- Americanism - Responsible for signing up volunteers to lead pledges and other patriotic additions to club events or programs, complement member patriotism and awareness of American and Texas history with materials and events; Encourage proper care and display of our beloved American and Texas flags.
- Selma Navarro
- Awards* - Ensure club follows the written requirements for receiving and submitting the TFRW Club Achievement Award, NFRW awards, Americanism awards, and other awards.
- Jan Duncan
- Bylaws* - Aids membership in adopting and amending club bylaws when needed, and performs periodic review of the club bylaws and standing rules.
- Carla Birk
- Campaign Activities* - Collect campaign hours, and political call counts from members and report to TFRW quarterly.
- Cathy Cocco
- Caring for America* - Organize donations and volunteer efforts on behalf of charities in the community; track hours spent on projects.
- Elaine Lehmann
- Chaplain - Offer a prayer at the beginning of meetings
and events.
- Louri O'Leary
- Outreach/Community Engagement* - Network with other organizations within the community to reach common goals and make the community aware of our club.
- Louri O'Leary
- Club Directory - Network with members for ads to be bought to defer cost of directory, and coordinate with the club President to generate a published directory by Spring/Summer to include as many member contacts as possible for use by Primary members for club activity ONLY.
- Open
- Fundraising* - Offer ideas and collaborate with committee to help organize fundraising events for the club as voted on by the Board. This can include the annual Summer Social, Silent Auctions, Shop Select, and more.
- Carrie Weikert
- Historian
- Open
- Hospitality* - Facilitate sign-in of all members, guests, and candidates at the general meetings; ensure all guests are greeted and receive a name tag and welcome bag; assemble welcome bags; assist disabled members and guests; and coordinate new member luncheons.
- Sherilyn Owren
- Legislative* - Report current legislative issues at meetings; promote participation in the biennial TFRW Legislative Day.
- Perla Hopkins
- Literacy* - On an annual basis, the Literacy Committee reaches out to Schools (Public, Private, Religious, Charter, etc.) to determine if they would like to receive free pocket size U.S. Constitutions. If they say yes, we determine how many they need (usually 5th graders are the ones that use them) and then request inventory from the Texas Public Policy Foundation in Austin, Texas, OR purchase these from reliable vendors. Once we get these Constitutions, our committee asks for volunteers to help deliver them to the various schools. Traditionally, our club has included flag PINS with the Constitution. We also have delivered and purchased dictionaries for younger students.
- Susan Russell
- Media Communications* - Produces and maintains club
newsletter, website, Facebook, and other social media.
- Alysson Hartmann (Newsletter) Mary Heffernan (social media)
- Parliamentarian - Advise on meeting procedure using Club/TFRW bylaws and most recent version of Robert's Rules of Order.
- Rosemary Edwards
- Political Activities* - Coordinate club activities and provide volunteer opportunities to help elect Republicans to office and further the Republican Party Platform. Texas Election cycles makes certain years busier than others. At minimum, each year the club should focus on registering Republicans through VEP programs coordinated through TFRW leadership.
- Cathy Cocco
- TRFW SD 14 District DirectorClubs within SD14 elect an individual every two years to fill this term at the Biennial TFRW convention. Clubs use this volunteer resource to help with an issue that may come up and the President is the District Director’s Primary contact, but any member may reach out directly to your District Director for questions or suggestions.
- Mary Heffernan - 2024-2025 SD14 District Director
NOTE: All committee chairs need members to volunteer to help accomplish the goal. This provides us to share experience and ideas with one another for future leadership within the club. Volunteer today - it is never too late!
* Standing Committees