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Club History

In the spring of 1969, a group of women met to form the Northwest Austin Republican Women (NWARW). The purpose was to bring together those with a common interest in the Republican Party and to help establish a two-party government in Texas through social and educational means.

NWARW has always been about educating, communicating, recruiting, campaigning, fundraising, training, and legislative action. Programs, projects, and events are designed to promote Republican values and candidates and provide women opportunities to serve our city, state, and nation.

Education has been a major focus. It started with adopting Cook Elementary in 2001 and donating dictionaries to 3rd graders on Dictionary Day (Oct 16). Schools continued to be adopted, and eventually Constitutions were given to 5th graders on Constitution Day (Sept 17). Other books donated to schools include Rush Limbaugh's 5-Book Rush Revere Series and The Tuttle Twins 12-Book Combo Pack. These books teach children the principles of freedom while introducing economic and social principles that children currently do not learn in most public schools.

NWARW has made Caring for America and our local community a priority by donating, volunteering and supporting. Examples of Caring for America projects can be found in the Caring for America section.

The name Texas is derived from the Caddo “Tejas” meaning friend, and NWARW is proud of being known for its friendliness, as well as for its long and impactful history here in the Austin area.